Post 6: Post graduate studies

 I have never thought much about my later studies, even what I most want is to stop studying and working, however, speaking with some teachers I realized that continuing to learn things opens up many better opportunities both in life and at work. Also, if it is what you really like, time will never be wasted and even if it costs, the reward is always better.

If I had the opportunity, I would study something related to forensic toxicology, here in Chile there are not many investigations in this regard, so I would like to travel to the United States, where there is more advanced technology, there are large laboratories and dedicated institutions. It would also help me learn English much better, so I would go for a few months to specialize more, and I do not rule out the idea of ​​staying to work and live a few years abroad.

However, it is quite expensive so I would have to opt for a scholarship and also I have not decided how I would like to study, it all depends on the situation in which I find myself and many other factors.


  1. Whatever you choose, I hope it is for the best and that money is not an impediment for anything.


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